Gov. Larry Hogan Is Afraid of Teachers: Winners and Losers of the Week

Each week, we take a look at the biggest friends and foes of labor. We celebrate the workers winning big and small battles, and we shame the companies or people trying to deny working people their rights.
Winners: Ground workers at American Airlines, after an agreement was reached between the company and TWU-IAM that will improve wages and retirement benefits for 30,000 working people and their families.
Runners-Up: Seniors, now that AARP has dumped corporate front group the American Legislative Exchange Council after an AFSCME-led coalition asked AARP to drop connections with ALEC.
Loser: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, for calling his state's hardworking teachers and their union "thugs."
Runners-Up: Force Corp. and AB Construction Group, after the Department of Labor settled with the construction firms for $2.4 million in overtime pay and other benefits owed to workers.