What's New on Union Hall 2.0

UnionHall 2.0
Launched Summer of 2022
You learn about what's new on Union Hall 2.0 here: What's new in Union Hall 2.
And you can create an account on the AFL-CIO's new eLearning tool account at laborlab.aflcio.org and check out all our training series including Union Hall 2.0.
What’s New?
Here are just a few notable improvements you will notice as a Local Site Admin:
Blueprint Templates Design - Updated design and options
- Sample Sites
- State Feds
AFL-CIO - https://maineaflcio.org
Texas AFL-CIO https://texasaflcio.org/
NY AFL-CIO -- https://nysaflcio.org
North Shore https://northshoreaflcio.org/
Standard Template
Autosave - Ensure edits are autosaved every 60 second
User interface - daily content tasks are easier.-- Create content menu remains in the lower right, Site tasks have been consolidated under the manage menu in the top right.
- State Feds
Mobile Admin - Make changes from your mobile devices.
Hero Space (home page image) - Enhanced to enable a carousel of images on your main page.
Favicon - Ability to add your own.
Site Tags - Add custom tags to create custom page listings, easy to group topics.
- Page Builder -- Easily add media including photo galleries and create image libraries
- Private site -- mark as private to require user authentication -- private content on public site Easily create content sections that only be viewed by approved members (members only sections)
- User Management - Add users & admins individually and bulk upload
Now, let’s get started!